100 companies attacked by Ransomware
Yesterday, June 27, Ransomware took took control of computers of around 100 companies around the globe, asking $300 to release their data. According to Symantec, the same National Security Agency hacking tool was used as in similar attack back in May.
The National Security Agency has so far not acknowledged the use if their tools in the attacks. However, according to security specialists that's the case and they are demanding help against the attacks performed by NSA's tool.
"The N.S.A. needs to take a leadership role in working closely with security and operating system platform vendors such as Apple and Microsoft to address the plague that they’ve unleashed," -- said Golan Ben-Oni from IDT whose computers were attacked back in April.
Spokesman for Microsoft said that antivirus software, if always updated versions are being used, should be able to protect against the attack.
While the first companies attacked were Ukranian, the problem soon became widespread with companies from around the world were affected. Companies from Ukraine, Russia, France, Britain, United States, Australia have announced their companies having been targeted.
The cybersecurity minister of Australia, Dan Tehan, said that "This ransomware attack is a wake-up call to all Australian businesses to regularly back up their data and install the latest security patches. We are aware of the situation and monitoring it closely."